Lexmark MS821N Монохромный лазерный 55 стр./мин 1200 точек/дюйм - серый

Lexmark MS821N Монохромный лазерный 55 стр./мин 1...

Package Dimensions: 54.61 cms (L) x 55.88 cms (W) x 54.61 cms (H) | Product Type: Printer | Package Quantity: 1 | Country Of Origin: China55 ppm Mono Print - A6, Oficio, Envelope No. 7 3/4, Envel...

Package Dimensions: 54.61 cms (L) x 55.88 cms (W) x 54.61 cms (H) | Product Type: Printer | Package Quantity: 1 | Country Of Origin: China55...

  • MPN: 50G0050
  • UPC: 0734646618205
  • Listing: C0BD8718EA
  • MPN: 50G0050
  • UPC: 0734646618205
  • Listing: C0BD8718EA

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67,72504 RUB

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Package Dimensions: 54.61 cms (L) x 55.88 cms (W) x 54.61 cms (H) | Product Type: Printer | Package Quantity: 1 | Country Of Origin: China

55 ppm Mono Print - A6, Oficio, Envelope No. 7 3/4, Envelope No. 9, B5 (JIS), A4, Legal, A5, Letter, B5 Envelope, Statement, ... - 650 sheets Standard Input Capacity - 250000 Duty Cycle - 3000 to 50000 Monthly Volume Recommended - Ethernet - USB

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